Arven, known in Japanese as Peper, is a central character in the video games “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.” He is the son of Professor Sada in “Scarlet” and Professor Turo in “Violet,” and serves as the player’s primary partner in the Path of Legends storyline. Arven is an upperclassman at Naranja Academy in “Scarlet” or Uva Academy in “Violet,” where he is skilled at cooking and researching healthy recipes to make Pokémon feel better. He has a strained relationship with his parent due to their devotion to the Tera Project, leading him to grow up mostly alone. Arven’s quest in the game involves seeking out the Herba Mystica to heal his critically wounded Mabosstiff. His character is complex, showing both noble intentions and human flaws, and he becomes more sympathetic as his motivations are revealed. Arven’s final team reflects his love of cooking, with Pokémon themed after food items.
- Arven is a student and researcher at Naranja Academy or Uva Academy, depending on the game version.
- He plays a significant role in the Path of Legends storyline, partnering with the player to find the Herba Mystica.
- Arven is also a skilled cook and focuses on creating healthy recipes for Pokémon.
- As a fictional character, Arven does not have a real birthday.
Place of Birth:
- Arven’s place of birth is not specified, but he resides in the Paldea region within the game.
- He is the son of Professor Sada in “Scarlet” and Professor Turo in “Violet.”
- Arven’s family background is marked by his parent’s absence due to their research, leading him to a solitary upbringing.
Before Fame:
- Before the events of “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet,” Arven spent much of his time alone, focusing on his companion Mabosstiff and his culinary interests.
- While Arven as a character has not received awards, he was voted the Best New Character at the Famitsu awards, highlighting his popularity among fans