Amma Crellin is a complex and enigmatic character from Gillian Flynn’s novel “Sharp Objects” and its HBO adaptation. Portrayed by Eliza Scanlen, Amma is the thirteen-year-old half-sister of the protagonist, Camille Preaker. Living in the small town of Wind Gap, Missouri, Amma navigates a double life: she is the picture-perfect daughter to her overprotective mother, Adora, at home, dressing in little girl’s clothes and playing with dolls, while also being the manipulative and rebellious “it girl” of the town. Her character is a mess of contradictions, embodying both sweetness and scariness, obedience and rebellion. Amma’s actions and the dark secrets she harbors play a pivotal role in the unfolding mystery of the story, making her one of the most intriguing and disturbing characters in contemporary fiction.
- Amma Crellin is not a character with a career but is a central figure in “Sharp Objects,” contributing significantly to the narrative’s suspense and psychological depth.
- As a fictional character, Amma Crellin does not have a real birthday. The actress who portrays her, Eliza Scanlen, was born on January 6, 1999.
Place of Birth:
- Amma Crellin is a resident of the fictional town of Wind Gap, Missouri, in “Sharp Objects.”
- Amma is the half-sister of Camille Preaker and the daughter of Adora Crellin. Alan Crellin is her stepfather.
Before Fame:
- Before the events of “Sharp Objects,” Amma lived under the strict and overprotective care of her mother, Adora, which significantly impacted her behavior and personality.
- While Amma Crellin as a character has not received awards, the portrayal of Amma by Eliza Scanlen in the HBO adaptation of “Sharp Objects” has been critically acclaimed, contributing to the series’ success and recognition.