How old is Adrian Paul?
Adrian Paul was born on 29 May 1959.
Adrian Paul is 65 years old.
How old is Adrian Paul in days now?
Adrian Paul is 65 years 8 months 21 days old.
Total 24,008 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Adrian Paul?
Adrian Paul‘s next birthday is in 3 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Adrian Paul?
Zodiac sign of Adrian Paul is Gemini.
Adrian Paul, born on May 29, 1959, in London, England, is a British actor known for his role as Duncan MacLeod in the television series “Highlander: The Series.” Paul’s career spans over three decades, and he has become a familiar face in both television and film. Before his acting career, he was a model and a dancer, which led him to pursue acting. His role in “Highlander” brought him international fame, and he has since appeared in numerous films, TV shows, and has also produced and directed. Paul is also the founder of The PEACE Fund, a charitable organization focused on protecting, educating, and aiding children everywhere.
- Adrian Paul is best known for his role as Duncan MacLeod in “Highlander: The Series.”
- He has appeared in numerous films and television shows, showcasing his versatility as an actor.
- Paul has also worked behind the camera as a producer and director.
- He is the founder of The PEACE Fund, a charity that works to protect, educate, and aid children in need.
- Adrian Paul was born on May 29, 1959.
Place of Birth:
- Adrian Paul was born in London, England.
- Adrian Paul has kept his family life relatively private, but it is known that he has been married and has children.
Before Fame:
- Before becoming an actor, Adrian Paul was a model and a dancer.
- His early career included working in Europe and the United States, where he developed his performance skills.
- Adrian Paul has been recognized for his work in the entertainment industry, receiving nominations and awards for his acting.
- His contributions to charity through The PEACE Fund have also been acknowledged.